
Thursday, May 30, 2019

My Latest Book for Reviewers is here...!

I am happy to announce a piece of important news. A milestone in my journey of writing.13 of my short stories to be brought out shortly under the title of "The Riverside man and other short stories" and the cover pages are given in the post for you all. In fact, all the stories have taken place in this blog and after being considered the importance of these stories to be a printed book form, now I have geared up to have accomplished the task as soon as possible.

Received brilliant feedback from prolific writers, voracious readers and some of the accolades have been placed on the last cover page. All I would say is the book will be of its own class by the terms of narrative and landscapes were chosen. Most of the stories revolved around a non-fictional town where I have experienced many an incident in flesh and blood. A judicious mix of imagination too added to enhance the quality of readability.

I would also like to talk a bit about the cover page design. It's benign subtility with a loner nearby tall trees, foliages, and watching abandoned shelters in solitude enriched the total expression of the collection of my stories. I thought that it has been drawn only in view of it. I requested the artist and he obliged happily. He is none other than Sri Vadrevu Ch. Veerabhadrudu garu. A great writer, poet, essayist, painter and a household name among the Telugu diaspora across the world. Thanking him profusely for his kind gesture.

Blogger friends, you are cordially welcome to review my book on your blog space. Please send your postal address to my inbox so that I can mail it by post or couriers, with postage free. Sorry, no PDF or soft copy. I don't like to put it on any other platforms except on my website and publisher's website for sale. I know, book promotion is an arduous task but I have my own plans regarding it. Let me test the waters.


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